general camp rules

Recognizing that camp facilities are a shared resource for the purposes of Christian worship and community, the following governs the behavior of all camp users. Individuals who violate these expectations may be denied access to the camp's grounds and facilities.


1. Quiet time is from 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. Recognizing the close proximity of cabins, tents and RV's, noise is to be kept to an absolute minimum during these hours. 

2. The camp does not provide first aid services, lifeguards or supervision. Supervision is the responsibility of individual users and/or rental group organizers.

3. Trailers, campers and RV's may only be used in approved stalls and must register with the camp office. They may not be placed next to cabins, in fields or in general parking areas.

4. Pets are not permitted in buildings, unless they are a certified service animal. Pets must be on a leash and owners must clean up after them.

5. Garbage must be placed in designated containers. Camp garbage receptacles are not to be used for construction waste, furniture/large items, grass clippings, leaves, weeds or yard waste.

6. Fires must be in approved fire pits and may not be left unattended. Fire bans must be observed.

7. Access to camp owned buildings is restricted to authorized rental groups.

8. For swimmer safety, boaters are to restrict operations close to the beach, proceeding slowly to/from their dock and avoid the swimming area in front of Elim Lodge.


9. All use of the playground, small field, large field, and other outdoor common areas is restricted solely to use that fulfils the camp’s purpose of holistic Christian teachings through mentorship and community, including use by rental groups, guests, and camp residents. All other uses of these facilities are explicitly restricted.

10. All motorized vehicles, including ATV's, must observe the speed limit of 15 km/hr.

11. ATV owners are responsible for the safe operation, insurance, compliance with legislation, and observing manufacturer recommendations. ATV use in the RV park is restricted to transit to/from the owner's lot. ATV use is not permitted anywhere on the grounds during annual Family Camp. 


12. Any use of the walking paths in the treed portion of the camp-by-camp residents, guests, and rental groups – whether by walking, biking, ATV, or other means – is limited to uses which fulfil the camps holistic Christian purpose such as Christian fellowship, meditation, and reflection. All other uses by camp residents, guests, and rental groups are explicitly restricted.


13. Fireworks require permits and a licensed operator, as per municipal regulations.

14. The use of firearms, air guns and the like are prohibited on camp property.

15. Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere on the camp property, including cabins and RV's. Designated smoking areas are located adjacent to the camp property.

16. Alcohol may not be consumed in any public area of the camp, any camp owned building or structure, rental RV/Tent sites, or any shared space.

17. No individual may be intoxicated on the campgrounds at any time.

18. Working on Sundays is not permitted.

19. No activities may take place anywhere on the campgrounds that would contravene the Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

Effective February 11, 2025